Why People Fail to Act on Their Instincts

Most friction inside a company can be traced to a specific employee or group of employees. More often than not, addressing the problem head-on takes way too long. For a company and its employees, the cost of doing nothing is expensive and painful; both financially and emotionally.  Why does this happen? Paralysis by analysis is…

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Redefining the Labor Day Movement for Small Business

Over 120 years ago, the federal government officially recognized the first Monday in September as Labor Day; a public holiday whose purpose was to honor the American Labor Movement. Over time, labor unions have diminished in both membership and influence; which in part has led to redefinition of Labor Day as the symbolic end of…

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How to Increase Employee Productivity Effortlessly – Part 2

“Who are the employees that bring a certain darkness into a room every time they walk in the room?”  Whether the darkness is barely palpable, like a solar eclipse, or something much darker that brings coldness into the workplace, you know who I am talking about.”  My question is…. “What are you going to do…

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How to Increase Employee Productivity Effortlessly – Part I

“Is the energy level in the room high?  Is the group ready to be highly productive? Are you all ready to have some fun? “ Those were three leading questions I asked a group of business owners last week to start an online training program on How to Build High Performance Teams.  This group was…

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Whose Responsibility is Employee Engagement

No employer wants to create a bad working environment and no employee shows up for work on the first day hoping to dislike their job.  Yet Gallup research shows that over 70% of employees are not engaged with their job or the company. What’s up with this disconnect? Whose fault is it?  The employer? The…

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Avoiding the Hidden Tax of Voluntary Employee Turnover

Partners of professional service firms take note. If a competitor or stragetic buyer offered to purchase your business today, what do you think it would be worth?  Now assume that 100% of your employees were to resign tomorrow. What would your company be worth by the end of the week?  Yep…. Not much at all;…

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How to Increase Team Effectiveness

There is a palpable magic which happens when employes have fun taking ownership over deliberately improving their contributions to your company. The formula looks like this: #Winning! = Skill Building + Team Buiding and successful businesses consistently work to improve their score.  How does your company rank on this measure?  How can it improve? Here’s…

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When it Comes to Effective Team Building No One Knows Better Than Your Employees

When was the last time you asked your employees how they can develop into becoming a more effective team?  Competing in the game of business is a team sport and highly engaged employees want to play on a winning team.  They usually have great ideas about how to get better! Are you listening? More importantly,…

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How to Build a Fun Profitable and Rewarding Business

Competing in the game business should be fun, profitable and rewarding.  Winning is a lot more fun than losing and while quantifying or qualifying what winning looks like is largely subjective, you can immediately apply a simple principle to improve business results immediately with less effort. Measuring the Smile to Frown Ratio One way to…

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Earl Bell – Onward Nation podcast w/Stephen Woessner

Episode 307: How to build a SUPER TEAM of employees Secret – timesaving technique Earl takes a look at his daily and weekly calendar at the end of every night — get the top 2-3 things done that you need to get done every day. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success Be disciplined and…

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