Redefining the Labor Movement

Over 124 years ago, the federal government officially recognized the first Monday in September as Labor Day; a public holiday whose purpose was to honor the American Labor Movement. Today, the workforce is very different and so is the dynamic between employer and employee. Job mobility is one glaring difference. Today, employees vote with their…

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Are Your Company Early Warning Systems Working

What systems are in place at your company to alert you when things are about to get bad? Do you listen to the warning signals and make necessary adjustments, or do you instead ignore problems and hope they magically disappear?  Warning signals are effective only when: (1) they sound at an appropriate time AND (2)…

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Be the Change You Want From Others

How difficult would it be running a business if 75% of your employees are not happy, 51% are actively looking for a new job today and the same employees give you 3 hours of daily productivity.  According to Gallup Inc., the above statistics are national averages. Is your company the exception to the rule OR…

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The Golden Rules to Increasing Profit While Decreasing Effort

If you’d like to find more joy and less stress while running your company, start by following the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Yes, it’s that simple… let me explain! Building a dream team of employees takes time Building a company that develops long-term relationships with clients…

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Two Essential Things Necessary for Sales Managers to Reach Their Potential

Competing in the world of healthcare will become more difficult for the foreseeable future.  Companies that learn how to compete in the new economy will, “win” while losers will go out of business!  To bring a winning perspective and increase selling effectiveness, focus more on producing enormous value to buyers and their organizations while creating…

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Every Business Owner Needs a Walking Stick

Every company has its ups and downs; including good days when nothing goes wrong, along with bad days when seemingly small obstacles sweep your company into sudden instability.   Learning how to go with the flow, seizing opportunities that arise during good times while also keeping the company’s head above water and profitable in bad times…

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You Don’t Have to be Alone

Owning a business can be both lonely and scary; but it doesn’t have to be that way.  Millions of entrepreneurs run companies and most try to do it by themselves without any coaching or support system.  Building community is good for business.  You don’t have to be alone! Inspiration and example come from many places…

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What to do When Leadership Fails

Who are the failing leaders inside your company? And more importantly, what does failed leadership cost your business each year?  Can you continue to afford paying this surtax?  When Gallup Research determines that only 25% of employees are happy at work and 51% of employees are actively looking for another job; they reveal the average…

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Companies Are in Trouble TODAY and Employees Know it!

According to 2017 Gallup Research, only 25% of employees are happy at work and 51% of employees are actively looking for another job… TODAY! These statistics represent the national average. Is your company above or below the median line? Chances are high that A LOT of lost profits are flowing through your business right now…

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A Process That Works to Get Consistently Better

If you are interested in creating an environment of consistent improvement, following is a repeating and iterative four-step process you can use: (1) introduction of a new concept or reintroduction of existing idea, (2) taught in a safe environment, (3) leading to improvement through repetitive and deliberate practice, and then (4) applied in real time…

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